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Lied Transplant Center

The Lied Transplant Center, a partnership between the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Nebraska Medicine, provides UNMC researchers and multidisciplinary health-care professionals greater opportunities for interaction and collaboration. This unique environment allows our clinicians and researchers to develop innovative practice models in transplantation that are often essential to provide optimal care. The facility was one of the first of its kind when it was built in 1999 and includes: The Multi-Organ Transplant Clinic Ambulatory Care Center Peggy Cowdery Patient Care Center Laboratories dedicated to transplant research Patient Resource Center Health Education Center for transplant patients and families Hotel rooms

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4310 Emile St, Omaha, NE

The Lied Transplant Center, a partnership between the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Nebraska Medicine, provides UNMC researchers and multidisciplinary health-care professionals greater opportunities for interaction and collaboration. This unique environment allows our clinicians and researchers to develop innovative practice models in transplantation that are often essential to provide optimal care. The facility was one of the first of its kind when it was built in 1999 and includes:

The Multi-Organ Transplant Clinic

Ambulatory Care Center

Peggy Cowdery Patient Care Center

Laboratories dedicated to transplant research

Patient Resource Center

Health Education Center for transplant patients and families

Hotel rooms

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