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600 S 42nd St, Omaha, NE

UNMC’s Interprofessional Academy of Educators presents:

Writing Publication Workshop

Presented by Drs. Jana Wardian, Michelle Howell, and Elizabeth Beam

Have publication topics but don’t know the best way to move forward? This is your opportunity to get a good start on that publication you have been meaning to write!  Join us either in person in McGoogan Library (WHM 6033) or via Zoom for a hybrid publication workshop held May 11 and 12, 2023. Individual authors and authorship teams are welcome. At this workshop, attendees will walk away able to:

  • Discuss authorship, choosing a journal, and organizing a writing team
  • Explain how to lay the foundation for a manuscript focusing on development of the title, introduction, purpose statement, and research questions
  • Describe strategies for clearly describing the methods and results of your work followed by a discussion of the impact of the work and its limitations


Daily Workshop Format:

    9-12 pm: Workshop content will be delivered using segments of material interwoven with allotted work time to develop new manuscript outline for publication.

    1-3 pm: Our panel of experts will be available for consultation live or via Zoom for more specific questions about your manuscript development.

Know a non-academy member that would be interested? This event is open to everyone, so please share and RSVP here!


  • Tanya Custer
  • Manish Sharma

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